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dutchdude 07-10-2010 02:24 PM

Just write the damn ticket and shutup
So I am heading home from a stupid first aid /CPR class which happened to get scheduled on the nicest saturday of the year so far and I get ticketed about 1/2 mile from my house for 61mph in a 50mph on a long downhill. Now I wouldnt be bitchin if I was out tearing it up and got caught but damnit I was just coasting down the hill being mellow. What really set me off though was the WSP officer needing to tell me that my bike is too loud and that it is illegal to modify the exhaust for performance if it raises the noise.Now to be fair he was polite and shit and he did not write me up for the exhaust, but then he goes on to say that he doesnt understand why we would change the exhaust since these bikes are so fast anyways and that I should repack my mufflers (which I just did) and that he has been there done that with bikes and, HEY I dont want to talk bikes with some sportbike hating patrolmen after he writes me up for 144 bucks when i wasnt even having fun yet. Shut the F%$# up and hand me the damn ticket and leave while I can still be polite enough to avoid gettin cuffed and stuffed. :mad:
Ok now off to install carb kit

kj4kym 07-10-2010 03:07 PM

haha rite, i got pulled over last night. really dark and there was a unmarked police car that decide to ride right in my blind spot for about a mile or so, well i had enough of not being about to see him so i decide to gear down and just take off. well next thing i know is theres blues light behind me. so i pull over. he says did you not see the cop car right beside you. i said well you were in my blind spot plus its dark so, no... then have you got a motorcycle license, uh yeah. well how fast were you going uh, i really dont know exactly. he says well i was at 98 and you were still pulling away really fast. and well that kinda put a smile on my face... lol but needless to say he never asked to see my dl and just tells me to slow down and go on... thats like the 3rd warning ive had on that bike

synpse 07-10-2010 04:29 PM

Smart move by not arguing your point. Get away with the least amount of trouble.

I can stand paying the "entertainment tax" if I'm out having fun.. but 11mph over, UGHHHHH!!! seriously?!

mikstr 07-10-2010 04:52 PM

Originally Posted by RK1 (Post 273217)
Nothing worse than a cop who missed his calling to become a preacher. Except now they extort tax money from you to pay him twice as much as the preacher.

yep, give me the ticket and save me the lecture Mr. Holier-than-thou.....

Bluesuperhawk83 07-10-2010 05:06 PM

Originally Posted by RK1 (Post 273217)
Nothing worse than a cop who missed his calling to become a preacher. Except now they extort tax money from you to pay him twice as much as the preacher.

Around here the cops make less than the preachers. I applied for a job at the local pd a few years ago In the interview the chief told me it starts at $9.00 per hour, i politely said I think we are wasting each other's time and left.

Crashrat 07-10-2010 06:36 PM

I was pulled over a few years back in SC for dragging my feet. This was on the tail end of a 500-mile trip and I was just trying to get rid of a cramp. The cop ran through the entire thing, checking my lights, blinkers, etc... and then started talking about his bike (a V-Max) and how fast it was.

I don't know. It's practically illegal to be on a motorcycle these days. They can get you for anything if they're feeling like dicks. All you can do is be as polite as possible and then head for the primitive roads, where you can act like you're a grown up and have some say over what you do and no one gives a f*ck.

It's a no-win situation, Dutchdude. If you say what you feel they pin you for noise ordinance violation, aftermarket mirrors, poor illumination of the plates, whatever else is on their standard list. If you skate by and take whatever sh*t they want to give you, you might get away with nothing at all, but how does that make you feel?

Luck of the draw, I guess.

dutchdude 07-10-2010 09:53 PM

yeah just had to keep my mouth shut - had enough fun with the town clowns when I was young and smoking dubies down by the river- loved that skit

residentg 07-11-2010 03:45 AM

One day in my town a cop was ticketing parked cars with expired meters. I had a bunch of quarters, so I walked up and down the street and put quarters in all the expired meters, just to be a dick. Cops should spend more time ticketing cell phone talking soccer-moms as they are the biggest menance out there if you ask me. Can you imagine that lecture?

nekkid 07-11-2010 04:17 AM

Don't you just love the current ethic of "if they don't catch me it must not be wrong" or "if I can get off on a technicality I must be innocent"?
Perhaps the LEO's "preach" because the person they've stopped doesn't seem to have a grasp on what is lawful.
We all go out on the roads knowing the rules. If not, get a copy of the traffic codes for your area and bone up on them.
As adults, we can do what we want; as long as we take responsibility for any extra-legal actions.
The roads belong to everyone. Even with laws in place, people will try to stretch the rules a little. Imagine if there were no rules.
It's not that I love rules; I just like people that own up to things and don't bellyache.

Crashrat 07-11-2010 05:24 AM

If the rules were administered by machines with absolute impartiality I'd agree, Neddid, but they aren't. They're largely determined by the whim of the police officers' moods. If they weren't, we'd all get more tickets and warnings wouldn't exist. The fact that a cop can CHOOSE to let me go if he feels like it sort of proves the laws are not hard, like you assume, but flexible and arbitrary.

All that said, cops do a hard job mostly well. If I have my choice, I head to the hills, where I sort of set my own rules as a mature adult who has, after all, paid taxes on these roads.

autoteach 07-11-2010 10:55 AM

I'm with nekkid, the rules are there for a reason. With current technology, police could gps track vehicles, tell how fast they are going, and give tickets for speeding and blowing stop signs/lights as well as faulty maintenance (as most vehicles can diagnose almost all circuits). I think this would be really fair. If you do anything wrong, you get a ticket. Break the limit, ticket, roll a stop sign, ticket. And think of the savings that we would have on police, cause traffic stops wouldn't even be necessary. WE would also save lots of fuel and almost definitely increase the amount of public transportation after the loss of licenses by 3/4 of the population.

Hope you all have walking shoes.

Crashrat 07-11-2010 11:49 AM

Sure, if that technology is out there... It's probably better than the current situation, where a cop can get me for going 5 miles over the limit, then arbitrarily let you go because you've got all your teeth or know his brother.

Also cops don't HAVE to show radar right now, which means it's their word against your word. I was stopped on the parkway a couple years ago for going 15 miles over the limit. I asked to see the radar (since I was on my Hawk GT going up a hill and there was no way I got up to 65 mph that quickly) and was told he didn't need to show me.

I went to court, the DA asked if I was speeding 15 miles over the limit and I told him no way, so he asked, "How about 10 miles? Were you going 10 miles over?" The DA didn't even believe the cop, but at that point they just wanted some money to pay for all the paperwork.

AngryOlaf 07-11-2010 03:05 PM

Originally Posted by RK1 (Post 273305)
Jeez, guys. Mandatory GPS tracking chips in your vehicles? Why not just take one in your right hand or forehead and get it over with?

Behind the ear maybe? I don't want a lump on my forehead making my helmet uncomfortable... :eek:

autoteach 07-11-2010 03:20 PM

all current obd II production vehicles have it. And you probably already have one in your pocket.

Crashrat 07-11-2010 03:24 PM


Look at it this way: If they ticketed everyone for every law they broke, the government would need to change the laws. A law doesn’t make sense if the majority of people ignore it or of if the police don’t take it seriously enough to enforce it, so many (if not most) of these trivial traffic violations would disappear.

I think this would be the most likely outcome of a mandatory GPS system in every vehicle, which is why they’ll never do it. They want you to speed sometimes because in admitting that you’ve broken a law that everyone always breaks, you legitimize their arbitrary rules and give them a nice revenue stream.

If you said, look, everyone is breaking this law – and could point to GPS data showing that you’re right – they would have to admit how silly traffic laws are. These sorts of laws aren’t based on ethics or shared beliefs – they’re based (mostly) on capricious rules applied by anonymous zoning commissions.

nekkid 07-11-2010 05:06 PM

If a law doesn't make sense because a lot of people are breaking it then we should just rescind immigration laws and open the borders.

Application of laws may be, at times, arbitrary. That does not make the law worthless. Yes, you could have gotten off with a warning, not a ticket. Are you entitled to a break every time? Should everyone bring you a birthday present too?

In Communications, a message is not invalidated by the mettle of the speaker.
Hitler may have spoken a few truths in his time.

Everyone has a story or two about a miscarriage of justice. Any system conceived by and administered by people will have flaws. In the main, our system works.

In short, and as I said before, do what you want but own up to it. Don't expect a break like Lindsey Lohan did.

RWhisen 07-11-2010 05:41 PM

Originally Posted by RK1 (Post 273324)
And I think you totally missed dutchdude's point. He wasn't complaining about receiving a ticket he had coming, he was complaining about the phony, gratuitous lecture that came with it.

Hear, hear.

Crashrat 07-11-2010 06:09 PM

I take some blame for steering the discussion away from Dutchdude's original point.

I wonder if cops have any legal leeway as far as sermonizing goes… I mean, if he had started citing the bible, you know he would have been kicked off the force, but his opinions about sportbikes are as irrelevant. Is there a specific time limit that someone needs to spend with a cop after he or she has written the ticket?

I’d like to think that unless I’ve broken a law, my time is my own.

Illegal aliens are, by definition, not citizens. As far as I’m concerned, US laws should be decided by US citizens. I think the further you get away from this basic idea, the more likely you are to get into trouble. The less people participate in the creation of laws, the more silly and arbitrary they tend to be.

dutchdude 07-12-2010 05:25 PM

then we wouldnt need a rant forum would we- we would all ride stock bikes with less than 120 hp( cuz who needs more than that to drive 70 mph) and we might as well be on GD scooter drinkin bottled water - oh correction- make that filtered water cuz bottles are bad now, etc...

autoteach 07-12-2010 06:46 PM

Originally Posted by dutchdude (Post 273461)
then we wouldnt need a rant forum would we- we would all ride stock bikes with less than 120 hp( cuz who needs more than that to drive 70 mph) and we might as well be on GD scooter drinkin bottled water - oh correction- make that filtered water cuz bottles are bad now, etc...

I was thinking it would be cool to do a touring trip on a ruckus 50. You know, going somewhere but nowhere fast.

Old Yeller 07-13-2010 05:22 AM

I'm with the cops. If you don't do anything illegal, then you don't have to listen to the preaching.

Crashrat 07-13-2010 06:14 AM

See, I think the fine is retribution for breaking the law. Being detained -- lectured to -- because someone doesn't like you (whatever the reason) is at best a measure of how polite we are as a society and at worse an abuse of power.

In any case, I think you’re innocent until proven guilty and Dutchdude hasn’t actually been convicted of anything at the time this cop lectures him so your point is moot, Old Yeller. Maybe the judge has some justification for lecturing him at the time of the verdict, but not the cop.

Old Yeller 07-13-2010 09:06 AM

As the court date has not arrived yet, you are correct, however, Dutch admitted to the dastardly deed in his opening comments. Since most people just pay the fine and never appear in court to hear the judge's lecturing, people get it up front. :)

7moore7 07-13-2010 09:38 AM

Originally Posted by residentg (Post 273258)
One day in my town a cop was ticketing parked cars with expired meters. I had a bunch of quarters, so I walked up and down the street and put quarters in all the expired meters, just to be a dick. Cops should spend more time ticketing cell phone talking soccer-moms as they are the biggest menance out there if you ask me. Can you imagine that lecture?

Yes! I will now carry quarters where I go specifically for this purpose.

Crashrat 07-13-2010 09:42 AM

Ah, it doesn't matter if Dutchdude admitted to it or not. Cops aren't supposed to hand out punishment. That's not their job, thank god.

pwshadow 07-13-2010 09:55 AM

While the state patrol where I live suck, the local cops are super leanient. I really lucked out. Two days ago I was riding with my two friends(the ones CR doesnt like) and they decided to drag race. I let them go but I was still doin about 75 in a 50 and all three of us went right by a cop sitting in the median facing us and he never followed us. Maybe he was clocking traffic going the other way. All I know is we got off the hook.

pwshadow 07-13-2010 09:58 AM


Originally Posted by Crashrat (Post 273534)
See, I think the fine is retribution for breaking the law. Being detained -- lectured to -- because someone doesn't like you (whatever the reason) is at best a measure of how polite we are as a society and at worse an abuse of power.

Old Yeller 07-13-2010 01:11 PM

You did something wrong, you got what you deserved. If you don't commit offenses, then you don't have any problems. If you choose to push the limits of legality, then don't whine about the consequences. They should probably lecture twice as long because it doesn't seem to sink in. Sometimes you get lucky and get by with it. sometimes they throw the book at you. Consider yourself fortunate when you get by, and don't be surprised at consequences when you get caught.

Perhaps video judging. that way they can find you guilty and then execute the judge's sentence. I'm thinking double tap to the back of the head, but that's probably why I'm not a judge. :o

Tweety 07-13-2010 01:20 PM

Originally Posted by Old Yeller (Post 273630)
You did something wrong, you got what you deserved. If you don't commit offenses, then you don't have any problems. If you choose to push the limits of legality, then don't whine about the consequences. They should probably lecture twice as long because it doesn't seem to sink in. Sometimes you get lucky and get by with it. sometimes they throw the book at you. Consider yourself fortunate when you get by, and don't be surprised at consequences when you get caught.

Perhaps video judging. that way they can find you guilty and then execute the judge's sentence. I'm thinking double tap to the back of the head, but that's probably why I'm not a judge. :o

Take the new test... You might be a hypocrite if...

OK, you think a punishment is due if you get caught speeding... OK, you think a lecture is fine... I fully agree with the first and only half agree with the last...

But unless you are prepared to go out in the yard and do that double tap on yourself for your past speeing infractions, you are infact a hypocrite...

The law says you get a fine... Nowhere in the law is there a mention of a lecture... Not in Swedish law, not in any US law... So unless you want to change that law, the lecture isn't neccesary or welcome... Unfortunately it's something we get to live with, since cops are unlikely to stop doing it...

pwshadow 07-13-2010 01:28 PM

what do you mean by double tap

Crashrat 07-13-2010 02:08 PM

I think this might be the judge you're talking about, Old Yeller:

VTRsurfer 07-13-2010 02:08 PM

I agree with Tweety. Here's the short version of a ticket I got about 15 years ago:

Very close to home I'm hitting some fast sweepers at probably close to 90 on my BMW R100RS (mid day, wide 4 lane road, not one other car in sight). A cop and his partner (who I didn't know were behind me...a long ways behind) "pull me over" as I'm parking my bike at home. Both cops are about half my age, and as one is writing the ticket, the other asks me "Why were you going so fast?". I ignored him, not wanting the lecture. The 3rd time he asked the same question, I simply replied "You've never ridden a motorcycle, have you?". They had me sign the ticket, then they drove away without saying anything more, besides "Have a nice day".

I'll take the ticket, I did the violation. You can keep the lecture.

pwshadow 07-13-2010 02:35 PM

I'm sorry officer, the speedometers are off a little on these bikes.

Old Yeller 07-14-2010 05:41 AM

ok, double tap. Hey, I speed too. If I get a lecture, it's just part of the process. My secret is to take my helmet off quickly so as to let the cop know I'm a gray haired guy and not a kid. a couple times I've walked away with a warning.

Besides that, I have a soft spot for cops. they have a thankless job. I'm not fond of their ticket writing tactics sometimes, but I always try to strike up a conversation with them, and more often than not, I thank them for their service. Even when just writing tickets to maintain order on the roads, their lives are at risk by some idiot with a chip on his shoulder and a weapon in his hand. I know they are not all saints, but the majority of them are good guys. The same could be said of us in the two-wheeled community. Some of us are a-holes too.

Old Yeller 07-14-2010 05:42 AM

I had Stallone as Judge Dredd in my head. :D

Originally Posted by Crashrat (Post 273641)
I think this might be the judge you're talking about, Old Yeller:

dutchdude 07-14-2010 02:10 PM

Good grief charley brown if had known everyone was going to go all holy jihad on this shit I wouldn't have bothered "ranting".
I guess my point to all the self rightous out there is if you want to have in depth arguments about right and wrong, law and punishment, I think i even saw some moron carrying on about imigration and another about double tapping me in the head.
Well then you are probably surfing the wrong forums to begin with- this is called "Rant" not "how to be politically correct in the new era of enlightanment"- so if a simple rant about a speeding ticket caused you this much grief than maybe you should check yourself and your bike-
After all it seems like most missed the point that I was pissed about being told my pipes are illegal ( 2 bro slip ons by the way) which I am pretty sure would include most of you who have done anything to your rides.
And by the way I thought this was a riders forum not a fucking tea party political convention so to the half wit that wants to double me for speeding- go buy a scooter or a harley and stick to the straight roads so the rest of us dont have to pass you, and if i get a ticket for speeding when i actually am gettin some - I wont bitch a word.
there Now thats a rant

Crashrat 07-14-2010 02:19 PM

Did we ever figure out what a double tap was?

Moto Man 07-14-2010 03:40 PM

Sounds like we could all use Dave Chapelles "Wrap it up" box...

pwshadow 07-14-2010 03:43 PM

Like Zombieland Rule 4?

pwshadow 07-14-2010 03:44 PM

Because that would be a little harsh for speeding. Maybe if they were on a Harley.

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