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Peterbuilt 12-08-2011 06:15 PM

New to forum/plus need some help
Been hanging out, doing a lot of reading trying to get myself acquainted to my bike. Just bought the bike (98) but it's going to have to go in storage till winter is over. The very little bit I've been able to hear the bike run I have two concerns. The first concern is that the bike doesn't want to hold a constant rpm, it wants to fluctuate both up and down by as much as a 1000 rpm when held at a constant throttle around 3000 rpm. Second concern is the bike only fires on one cylinder when first starting in really cold weather, but this is easy enough to live with, just thought it might have something to do with the first.
Few things about the bike. Just had the carbs cleaned, fresh plugs, bike gone over to make sure all vacuum lines installed correctly, stage one kit installed, some stock exhaust modifications but very slight. I have all winter to work and get things straightened out but if you have any hints to what it could be I'd appreciate hearing it. Thanks Peter

GlockPointer 12-08-2011 06:58 PM

Welcome aboard, I haven't been here very long either, all answers about this bike are here somewhere. Fortunately there is a search function on this forum wich is unfallable and will never lead you on a wild goose chase. I kid.
The manual is here somewhere available for free download. If you don't have one yet then bingo bango. I read the maintenance section of the manual and worked to get the various adjustments in spec. Get the manual and go through the bike, you have time. I would not run it on one cylinder for any length of time, that could not be good. The surging you described sounds alot like a vaccum leak, you checked once, check again. Did you tighten the carb boots? Did you crack a carb boot? Lots of stuff to check. Good luck and post up some results.

aja 12-08-2011 07:19 PM


Other threads you will want to read

Everything else

nuhawk 12-08-2011 08:28 PM

You don't give us much to go on. . . modded bike? Exhaust? Been in storage long? Your location? All helps us with your problem.

Could be as simple as water in the fuel. The reason I ask about mods is my Superhawk is real stubborn about being started at any temperature. The warmer it is the better but it's still difficult. It likes to be choked early but after only a few seconds needs to be leaned slightly or it will start to load up. Then it's up and down until it's thoroughly warmed.
Even then it's just a Superhawk. :winner:

VTRsurfer 12-08-2011 08:41 PM

Originally Posted by nuhawk (Post 320363)
Even then it's just a Superhawk. :winner:

These bikes have their quirks, the occasional carb fart and stalling at idle, but when set up properly, you'll find other riders checking your bike out, trying to figure out what it is.

Peterbuilt 12-09-2011 05:49 AM

Thanks for the replies guys and links to other threads, they're all helpful. I'll get the bike on the lift today and look at it as a winter time project to get all the bugs worked out. Glock, I'm on the same page as you as it sounding like a vaccum leak and VTR I'll definitely be looking at petcock and boots to make sure everything is tight and where it's supposed to be. VTR, on the pilot jets, I purposely asked the guy if he pulled them out and cleaned them well?? Like I said, it will give me something to fool with in the cold months. Thanks again

Old Yeller 12-09-2011 06:21 AM

perhaps consider electrical problems with coil, etc.

Peterbuilt 12-09-2011 08:11 AM

Originally Posted by Old Yeller (Post 320367)
perhaps consider electrical problems with coil, etc.

That would be a thought but it seems to run good once it gets off the primary, which if I'm not mistaken is right around the 3000 rpm mark.

CrankenFine 12-09-2011 08:51 AM

Here's a link to a searchable factory service manual. Might be more convenient to use. This was provided by a Wicky from across the pond.

VTR1000F Honda Service Manual OCR.pdf

Old Yeller 12-09-2011 09:05 AM

Originally Posted by Peterbuilt (Post 320369)
That would be a thought but it seems to run good once it gets off the primary, which if I'm not mistaken is right around the 3000 rpm mark.

I was thinking more in terms of only running on one cyl at first. weak electronics might impact that.
Vacuum would be suspect too. that might be a good avenue to pursue if you are comfortable carbs are good and clean.

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