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Condor 08-22-2008 10:18 PM

Apparently this is not well known..... (Tobacco users)
Apparently I have some pretty weird habits and listen to weird music...but anyway....

went on a ride with some buddies and they were always jonesing for a cigarette or dip when we took a break.

I have been a snuser previously, (as my father is a 20+ year snuser and i picked it up from him :rolleyes:). I smoked for a little while, but with all the research that has been done with snus, and how shitty smoking was making me feel, I decided i was going to start snusing again and quit smoking. I have been snusing for about 2-3 months again now and have not touched a cigarette.

Anyway...apparently nobody knows about snus. If you smoke, snus is awesome...stop smoking. I can snus anywhere and dont look like a troll with a dip in my lip, dont have to spit, and dont smell like smoke. my lungs feel better and i can notice my overall health improving. with snus you dont have to spit....therefore you can snus and ride. snus is regulated in sweden as a food product, therefore does not contain all of the nasty chemicals and whatnot that are in american tobacco. Im not endorsing using tobacco, but my buds were wanting to know why i hadnt told them about it, and i figured it was common knowlege, as I have known about it since i was a kid... now i got a few of my smoking buddies becoming snusers, and they are starting to repair the damage that smoking has done to them. Im not going ot say that snusing is a healthy alternative to smoking or chewing, but it looks like if there is one, snus is the closest there is. The studies that I have read (i researched the shit out of this stuff) say that it is about 90% safer than smoking. Tweety might be able to sound off on this, as he is from Sweden, snus capital of the world.
I AM NOT ENDORSING TOBACCO....if you dont smoke, dont start, and if you dont chew tobacco...dont start! but for those of us that are not perfect and have made the mistake of starting, this shit is pretty good. I treat it more like cigar smokers treat cigars... i like trying different kinds and have a few of my old stand bys and I enjoy it in moderation (plus it takes the edge off when i have a nicotine fit).... instead of paying $4 a pack of cigarettes a day i pay $4 for a can of snus that lasts me almost 2 weeks.

just a little FYI as apparently anyone who asks me what snus is had no idea what it is, then they end up liking it and saying "wow i wish i would have known about this sooner!" (ONLY BUY SWEDISH SNUS!!!)

p.s. YES, i plan on quitting snusing steps....

VFR79 08-22-2008 10:31 PM

Ok, I have to admit that I've never heard of snus and I have no idea what it is. (Too lazy to do some internet searching).

As a Brother of the Leaf, I invite you to the wonderful world of cigar smoking. And yes, I do endorse cigar smoking ;) In the 3 short years that I've been smoking cigars (and the occasional pipe) I've never once "had to have" a cigar. Buy proper hand rolled cigars and you won't find all the chemical additives like you do in American cigarettes. Only thing is, you probably won't be able to enjoy a cigar with your full face helmet. On the other hand, if you've got an hour or more to sit back and relax, light up a cigar and relax away!

That being said, what is snus???

Condor 08-22-2008 10:51 PM

Originally Posted by VFR79 (Post 177701)

That being said, what is snus???

allow me to copy and paste to paint a quick picture and spare my fingers...

Snus is a moist powder tobacco product that is consumed by placing it under the upper lip for extended periods of time. It is a form of snuff that is used in a manner similar to American dipping tobacco, but typically does not result in the need for spitting. Since snus is not intended nor recommended for inhalation, it does not affect the lungs as cigarettes do, although it does contain more nicotine than cigarettes. Because it is steam-cured, rather than fire-cured like smoking tobacco or other chewing tobacco, it contains lower concentrations of nitrosamines and other carcinogens that form from the partially anaerobic heating of proteins; 2.8 parts per mil for Ettan brand compared to as high as 127.9 parts per mil in American brands, according to a study by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Health. The World Health Organization (WHO) acknowledges that Swedish men have the lowest rate of lung cancer in Europe, partly due to the low tobacco smoking rate, but does not argue for substituting snus for smoking, citing that the effects of snus still remain unclear. Around 2005 several reports pointed to the fact that no carcinogenic effects could be attributed to Nordic snus and this resulted in the warning label that snus could cause cancer could be removed. It was replaced with the more neutral label "Can affect your health negatively". Research is still going on but at the moment no conclusive reports have been made regarding the health effects of snus.

Anyway, I have read things that say it "Doubles your chance of pancreatic cancer" trying to sound all scary and shit but when you read it it states that non tobacco users chance at pancreatic cancer is 4 in 10,000 and snus users is 8 in 10,

and I LOVE my cigars...but only on special days that end in "y". (really, i like them but im trying to cut out on smoking completely. last great cigar i had was at my wedding and my dad gave it to me.

RK1 08-22-2008 11:15 PM

I used to dip Skoal and Copenhagen. For me it was more addictive than cigarettes and it's gotten expensive too. I remember trying it in the little pouches but it felt like I had a tea bag in my mouth instead of tobacco.

I still smoke cigarettes when I want to. I've cut back. I don't smoke work days 'till I get home, don't smoke in the house or my truck. I roll my own and it costs about 25% what factory rolled costs. Not that I can't afford $5 for a pack, I just can't stand the idea that 80% of it is taxes. I hate paying taxes I don't HAVE to pay. I'd rather give money away to bums on the street than pay it in taxes.

Tweety 08-23-2008 03:15 AM

Basicly it gets you the nicotine without the chemical additives... and also without the added chemicals and carbon released from burning the tobacco... (smokers lung)

Now it's been proven that is has absolutely no impact on cancer in the gums and such that was toted as arguments against it earlier... As for cancer in the pancreas... well that's still inconclusive... but yeah it might increase...

But it's also a fact that it keeps your teeth healty, I haven't had a cavity in my teeth apart from the 1,5 years that I stopped...

As for being addictive... Yeah... it's got more nicotine than cigarettes so you are trading one wice for another...

As for what to buy... well I'd say Nordic... not exclusively Swedish... but all else is either smoke cured or with strange additives, so stay away from anything else...

Also I'm not endorsing it in any way... but to me it's a lot better than smoking... lot less impact on my health... Altough getting a kiss means u have to spit it out... :roll:

Condor 08-23-2008 05:01 AM

Originally Posted by Tweety (Post 177704)
Basicly it gets you the nicotine without the chemical additives... and also without the added chemicals and carbon released from burning the tobacco... (smokers lung)

Now it's been proven that is has absolutely no impact on cancer in the gums and such that was toted as arguments against it earlier... As for cancer in the pancreas... well that's still inconclusive... but yeah it might increase...

But it's also a fact that it keeps your teeth healty, I haven't had a cavity in my teeth apart from the 1,5 years that I stopped...

As for being addictive... Yeah... it's got more nicotine than cigarettes so you are trading one wice for another...

As for what to buy... well I'd say Nordic... not exclusively Swedish... but all else is either smoke cured or with strange additives, so stay away from anything else...

Also I'm not endorsing it in any way... but to me it's a lot better than smoking... lot less impact on my health... Altough getting a kiss means u have to spit it out... :roll:

I was hoping you would post on this. I didnt want to go off spouting that it doesnt cause cancer, cause i didnt want people calling bullshit on me (i wanted you to do it and had my fingers crossed that you were a snuser) Yes Nordic (finland, norway,, etc. but I love my Swedish snus.) snus is the stuff to buy cause its authentic and doesnt have all the extra bullshit in it. is definitely the best. Camel put some out (licensed from some company in Sweden) and it is SHIT. But yeah they have shown conclusively that it is healthy for your mouth as it changes the Ph balance in your mouth and helps to PREVENT cavities. BUt you have to have good brushing habits with it!!!! Plus, IT TASTES AWESOME AS HELL! (especially with coffee)...a good prilla of Göteborgs Rapé and some strong coffe......make me wanna slap my momma in the face with a sack of dead rabbits!!!

Tweety, what are your favorites? I usually use Skruf or Ettan as my usual choices, but I really enjoy the Gotlandssnus Grasnus (and Grönsnus is very good as well) Göteborgs Rapé. Kronan is also awesome for such an economical snus.....I actually like a lot of them, but Skruf and Ettan are my main brands....Skruf is what i usually have in my pocket. I use portion snus when I'm at work and loose snus when I'm just around the house or dicking around. Not a big fan of the strongly flavored snus (like fruit or mint, etc), but it is good on occasion. Im glad im not the only snuser! Any suggestions on something to try?

I'm not Swedish, but my dad picked it up from his Swedish friend waaaay back when he was a kid in Pittsburgh. Both of my parents are Hungarian (Magyar).

Vega (streetfighter) 08-23-2008 10:19 AM

For those of you cigar smokers out there consider buying a pipe and some good tobacco. Me and my buddys used to smoke cigars, but even if you buy inexpensive ones (macanudo portofino,nice) they still can get expensive. The initial investment on a pipe is a bit much, but the tobacco is pretty cheap and it smells and taste GREAT.... Plus it looks super cool, like Sherlock Holmes.

skokievtr 08-23-2008 03:50 PM

What is your opinion of the General brand? There is a new Nordic American brand called Klondike but I've been having trouble finding it or any other brands. How much do you pay for a tin and do you use a portioning tool?

Condor 08-24-2008 03:11 AM

Originally Posted by skokievtr (Post 177769)
What is your opinion of the General brand? There is a new Nordic American brand called Klondike but I've been having trouble finding it or any other brands. How much do you pay for a tin and do you use a portioning tool?

Once again, I think Tweety might be the best person to ask about this...
General is OK and I like the way it tastes, but their nicotine content can be up to 40% higher than other brands. Im trying to stay away from for the 'Klondike' brand, I stay away from anything that is not made in Sweden/Finland/Norway/Scandinavia, because then you start getting into not knowing how it's made/ what's in it. I use to get my snus. It gets to my house in about 6-7 days (Swedish Post to USPS) and I have no problems with customs. Typically the cost per tin when I order averages about $3.50 USD. I throw what Im not using in the freezer or fridge, and it stays fresh for a long time. As for a portioning tool, I have one, and I use it, but it depends. If im out at a museum or at work or something I use portion snus to keep the shit out of my teeth. If I'm working on the hawk/hanging out with my degenerate friends, I will use the icetool or just bake a pris by hand and use loose snus. So I guess the short answer is, if the icetool is too far away, I bake one by hand, if its close, i'll use it :). Go to, as their portioners are very high quality (though a bit pricey).

Tweety 08-24-2008 04:28 AM

Tool... never did get that one to work the way it's sposed... I'm oldschool...:)

I usualy keep to Ettan or Göteborg... General is only for parties (I need one hell of a fix when drunk... don't ask me how I know...)

Also "LD Orginal" or Granit should work for you... neutral tobbaco flavour, no fruity flavours... Or "Grovsnus", but a note here "Grovsnus" means in translation coarse snus ie not as finely grinded and with a rather strong taste...

A side note "Ettan" has been made like it is since 1822, and "Grovsnus" since 1915... They are close to the original way of making snus... and by coincidence my favourites...

You know $3.50 is actualy a bit less than I mostly pay... damn you...

skokievtr 08-24-2008 04:52 AM

Thanks. Two more queries, which portioned or "pouched" brands and "flavors" do you like, and is $3.50 average for the 45 gram tins but in quantity? I'll check the website when I get back from riding my VTR now, its supposed to be a bitchin day!

Condor 08-24-2008 05:32 AM

Originally Posted by skokievtr (Post 177794)
Thanks. Two more queries, which portioned or "pouched" brands and "flavors" do you like, and is $3.50 average for the 45 gram tins but in quantity? I'll check the website when I get back from riding my VTR now, its supposed to be a bitchin day!

I like a medium to strong tobacco flavor. Im not too big on the fruit/mint 'flavors' i think that shits for women anyway. I pay about this price for these snuses and here is the description given on them as far as flavor or taste is concerned. Keeping in mind these are the ones that I personally prefer and by all means try shit that YOU would prefer!:

Ettan- $3.45 Full-flavoured, slightly smoky and an unseasoned scent of tobacco

Goteborgs- $3.80 Mild tobacco taste with certain sweetness and an element of fresh herbs and juniper berry

Gottlandssnus (grey and green)- $3.73 Gråsnus was the first type of snus to be introduced which makes it the Gotlandssnus original. Gråsnus has an underlying flavour of smooth anise making it an appealing product with a good scent.
Grönsnus is a very tasty snus with a hint of Gotland’s lush green plants. The taste of elder is the characteristic of this snus.

Kronan- $2.73-3.11 Low priced snus with a unique, yet classical Swedish taste and aroma.

Skruf- $3.73 A taste of pure and mild tobacco with natural taste of bergamot and oil of roses

Most of these, by weight, is 39g of which 24g is snus. I order about 2-3 cans of each and refrigerate what Im not using. Quantity is in rolls of 10 and by wieght thats about 390g of which 240g is snus. I order rolls for my brother and send them to him in Afghanistan/Iraq, but I typically like to have a selection, so i order rolls of Skruf or Ettan, but buy single cans of others. With the shipping, the more you order, the less you typically pay on average per can. If you were to buy a roll (10 cans) of Skruf at $33.59 and pay shipping @ about $6usd you would pay about $3.95 per can, which is very good in my opinion. But if you were to become a fan of Kronan (a very good low priced snus), and you ordered a roll at about the same shipping cost, the avg. cost per can (for 10 cans) is about $3.08 per can....which is also very good. Especially compared to the quality of the product, the unparalleled taste, (and the drastically reduced chance of health problems) compared to American processed tobacco.
WHen I order, I try to get 2-3 tins of maybe 2-4 brands. Ill try to buy a few cans of Kronan to bring the avg. price down, as its a cheaper snus (under $3) and still has a very high quality...and its good for work/sharing. Also, I try to keep a good bit on hand, because if you run out, you are screwed. My father and I have had to send cans back and forth in order to help each other out, but I've learned to keep myself in a ready supply. Hope that helps!

Condor 08-24-2008 05:47 AM

Originally Posted by Tweety (Post 177793)
Tool... never did get that one to work the way it's sposed... I'm oldschool...:)

I usualy keep to Ettan or Göteborg... General is only for parties (I need one hell of a fix when drunk... don't ask me how I know...)

Also "LD Orginal" or Granit should work for you... neutral tobbaco flavour, no fruity flavours... Or "Grovsnus", but a note here "Grovsnus" means in translation coarse snus ie not as finely grinded and with a rather strong taste...

A side note "Ettan" has been made like it is since 1822, and "Grovsnus" since 1915... They are close to the original way of making snus... and by coincidence my favourites...

You know $3.50 is actualy a bit less than I mostly pay... damn you...

That's awesome it sounds like we like the same snus! Now I feel better, as I thought the Swedish guys would think my choices were odd, as I really dont have a barometer to go by what with nobody here using snus (i just use what I like!) I do like the Grovsnus, and I like the LD, but me being a creature of habit, I did not like them enough to change them up into my normal brands. Ettan really is an excellent snus. I just like the subtle flavors of Skruf, therefore it is my #1. +1 on the portioning tools not working, but the icetool is the first one i found that does work... but it is $$$$ (I paid 40$ for mine!!!!:eek:). It is cheaper to bake it by hand! It has to be odd talking to an american about snus...I know nothing compared to you...just what I have learned on my own or through my dad....but to me, snus is the smart choice!

Tweety 08-24-2008 09:49 AM

Originally Posted by skokievtr (Post 177794)
Thanks. Two more queries, which portioned or "pouched" brands and "flavors" do you like, and is $3.50 average for the 45 gram tins but in quantity? I'll check the website when I get back from riding my VTR now, its supposed to be a bitchin day!

Most brands are available as both portion bags and loose, so I just use the same one's...:)

Heh... not that odd, I don't know that much either... Mostly what I like...:)

PHxS 08-24-2008 10:38 AM

Alright, you've sold me. I'll give it a go as I really like the idea. I have tried the Camel Snus as it was free, but noticed that it was crap. Which was disappointing as I smoke Camel Frost and was hoping to stop the whole smoking thing.

So, i'm looking for an opinion call here. I know that it comes down to what you like, but I am looking for a suggestion for a reintroduction, as it were, to the wonderful world of snus. I'm pretty much down for any recommendation to find out if snus will be my nicotine alternative to smokes.

Ryan B.

Tweety 08-24-2008 10:54 AM

Well I'd say it's basicly a choice of flavour... choose the type you think you would like... has descriptions outlining the general taste of each...

Condor 08-24-2008 11:12 AM

Originally Posted by PHxS (Post 177846)
Alright, you've sold me. I'll give it a go as I really like the idea. I have tried the Camel Snus as it was free, but noticed that it was crap. Which was disappointing as I smoke Camel Frost and was hoping to stop the whole smoking thing.

So, i'm looking for an opinion call here. I know that it comes down to what you like, but I am looking for a suggestion for a reintroduction, as it were, to the wonderful world of snus. I'm pretty much down for any recommendation to find out if snus will be my nicotine alternative to smokes.

Ryan B.

Triumph (tobacco, not motorcycles) is doing a test market thing and they are only doing it in Ohio and Georgia. Triumph is made by Swedish Match Co. and it is actually pretty good. Look for it in a gas station. I prefer the original, but if youre into mint, they make that too. Camel snus is absolute shite. Try that...Then you can order some and get some really good suggestions above and it looks like Tweety really prefers the same stuff, so take that as you will

PHxS 08-24-2008 01:21 PM

I have seen Triumph around and pretty much had placed it down there with the Camel Snus since they hit the market around the same time. I'll give Triumph a go tomorrow, i'm sure my buds at the local liquor store will hook me up with a free one to try.

That reminds me, how's this for weird: I spend time in a liquor store and I pretty much don't drink. I have only bought one bottle of liquor from them and that was a birthday gift. Although they do have a bottle of Glenlivet 21 at a good price... that I was going to get for my father. I have spent years getting to know the family that owns the store and I probably have gotten more freebies from them than profits they have earned from me. I have become a bit of a computer tech for the family.

To top all that, i'm 29 years old and have never been drunk. Buzzed at bit at most.

Ryan B.

Condor 08-24-2008 01:55 PM

I went to school at UGA in athens, so you know i've been drunk. I've been drunk as shit. A lot. Magically when I graduated, I stopped.

PHxS 08-24-2008 02:06 PM

Magically! Bwaaahaaahaaaa

This will be my new word of the day to be placed magically in the middle of any sentence I choose because of your useage.

Ryan B.

Please note it was not intentional, but it is in the middle of that sentence.

bundleofgrundle 09-05-2008 10:19 AM

i've been dipping about 2 or 3 years now. I've tried the camel snuse and wasnt all that impressed. I dont know if there are any new englanders looking at this thread but i'm curious if there are certain store chains that might carry the better nordic stuff. i assume that tobacco specific shops would be more apt to have it...any ideas?

swordfish 09-30-2008 02:18 PM

Originally Posted by Vega (streetfighter) (Post 177731)
For those of you cigar smokers out there consider buying a pipe and some good tobacco. Me and my buddys used to smoke cigars, but even if you buy inexpensive ones (macanudo portofino,nice) they still can get expensive. The initial investment on a pipe is a bit much, but the tobacco is pretty cheap and it smells and taste GREAT.... Plus it looks super cool, like Sherlock Holmes.

not passing judgement here. I am a smoker, but I gotta tell peeps: my grandfather only ever smoked a pipe. no cigs, no cigars, no dip. cancer got him at 67. but here's the grain of salt: everyone in my family who has died since I've been alive, has died of cancer. whether they smoked or not. I am doomed I know it. but I don't want people to get the idea that pipe smoking is somehow safer.

Hotbrakes 09-30-2008 03:55 PM

My buddy had some the other night while I was visiting him in Texas, the Marlboro kind. I tried his last pouch and still had the urge to spit. Is it safe to swallow? I didn't want to get sick and be crappy for the next day's ride to Alabama. Also, where can I get it?

jhiker229 09-30-2008 04:41 PM

You read my mind B of G We have a good selection of smoke shops up here one of them up here has to stock this stuff. I am not a smoker so i don't really go to smoke shops to often so I will have to ask the cigar smoker at work or try to remember the smoke shops name and check out there website. I used to dip when I was younger especailly at the nascar races but it is a pain in the a$$ to have to carry a can around with you. The ladies werent real impressed with it either. If you don't have to spit maybe this is something that is a bit easier to keep on the DL.

Condor 01-01-2009 04:59 AM

Much easier to use discreetly. and yes, swallow, dont spit... here are some places to get product, all very reliable

and thios one is in the US

RK1 01-02-2009 04:33 AM

Originally Posted by Condor (Post 194183)
Much easier to use discreetly. and yes, swallow, dont spit... here are some places to get product, all very reliable

and thios one is in the US

Thanks for the info. I'm not discreet about much of anything
(except living in California I'm discreet about guns and ammo} so I'm splitting (spitting) my vice time between Top tobacco and grizzly Long Cut Straight.

How is your wrist? Got a Speed Triple yet?

Condor 01-02-2009 07:38 AM

My wrist is healed, just a little residual soreness... and Im about to move back to Pittsburgh (fingers crossed) to take a position with the Pennsylvania State Police (well, here within the next year).
I don't have an S3 yet, but I am seriously looking at Ducs.

RK1 01-02-2009 09:23 AM

I spent some of my formative years on the other end of the state, but I've always liked Pittsburgh. Do the state cops still have those Smokey Bear/ WWI campaign hats with the chin strap?

There are a couple of Ducs I might rather have than a Speed Triple, but only if they came with free valve adjustments for a few years, which they don't.

Condor 01-31-2009 07:31 PM

Originally Posted by RK1 (Post 194264)
I spent some of my formative years on the other end of the state, but I've always liked Pittsburgh. Do the state cops still have those Smokey Bear/ WWI campaign hats with the chin strap?

There are a couple of Ducs I might rather have than a Speed Triple, but only if they came with free valve adjustments for a few years, which they don't.

Yeah, they still wear those hats. Those guys are SUPER professional/robotic/impartial to EVERYTHING. I was just up at the state police academy in Hershey doing some interviews and those cats are cut from a different cloth. Just hoping I can get to be a part of it. They know absolutely nothing about your qualifications before you get to the 4th step of the process. You could theoretically be an ivy league gaduate that worked for the FBI and if they dont like what they see from you off the bat, youre screwed. Everywhere else i put in, they see all your qualifications first, and choose based on that. Im sure they know what theyre doing ,though... been doing it since 1905-ish.

59burst 02-06-2009 05:25 PM

Originally Posted by Condor (Post 198179)
Yeah, they still wear those hats. Those guys are SUPER professional/robotic/impartial to EVERYTHING. I was just up at the state police academy in Hershey doing some interviews and those cats are cut from a different cloth. Just hoping I can get to be a part of it. They know absolutely nothing about your qualifications before you get to the 4th step of the process. You could theoretically be an ivy league gaduate that worked for the FBI and if they dont like what they see from you off the bat, youre screwed. Everywhere else i put in, they see all your qualifications first, and choose based on that. Im sure they know what theyre doing ,though... been doing it since 1905-ish.

Every PA state trooper I've ever dealt with has been professional, courteous, and dare I say, nice. About 10 yeras ago, I got pulled over once in my car when I was about 80 in a 55 zone on interstate 79 near Washington, PA. The guy was real professional, and only wrote me a ticket for 70. I thanked him for not writing me up for 80, and told him I wouldn't see him in court.

I also had trooper let me out of a rolling sandwich between two trucks on interstate 79. I was right between 2 18 wheelers going up a hill in the slow lane and I couldn't get out to pass, because of a long line of cars. Well, after about 10 cars pass, I noticed a trooper coming in the fast lane in the line of cars. He hit the breaks, slowed the whole line down, and waved me out. That's my kind of cop.

No complaints here about the PA state police. Hope you get the job. Maybe I'll see you out on the hawk sometime, as I live about 10 miles south of Pittsburgh.

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