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Condor 09-07-2008 09:50 PM

So...almost killed that guy.
I live in a college town and there are always a lot of hippies riding hither and yon on their bicycles. That's all well and good, but I think if youre going to ride a bike on the road, FOLLOW THE RULES OF THE ROAD. I was taking a left from a stop light and some dude just goes straight through the light without even so much as a glance. He was no more than 6 inches from my bumper when my car finally chirped to a stop. He was hauling ass...I was only going about 20, but he would have been fucked regardless. He looked back and shouted something at me, but I didnt hear exactly what he said. I thought very hard about turning around, catching up, and snatching his ass off that bike and giving him a good ol fashioned beat down. Alas, I did not because i was more scared than mad. It really, really scared me. But, im sure if i would have taken him out, I would have gotten a citation/arrest and it would have been my 'fault'. If youre going to ride your bike on the road, please follow the rules of the road. The whole "share the road" bullshit makes me mad, because they dont 'share' the road. they think they own that shit. what pisses me off the most is that they do not have to pay to register the bike, license it, or license themselves.... yet they act like the roads were built for their fucking 10 speed. Nor do you have to pay taxes on the bike annually....nor insurance. If you want to share the road, share the whole responsibility. And...USE YOUR FUCKING HEAD.

Springbubba 09-07-2008 10:43 PM

My mother in law hit a kid on a bike last week. Kid didnt even look. Just rode right out in the road. He was getting chased by his friend. All of the witnesses agreed it was the kids fault. He even admitted it. He only got a few staples in his scalp out of it, but could have been much worse. The mother in law was freaked out pretty bad.

RK1 09-07-2008 11:18 PM

I almost never say anything like this about anything but this is one area where we need more enthusiatic law enforcement.

People on bicycles who run stop signs, red lights, ride on the sidewalk, through crosswalks or ride on the wrong side of the road should be treated exactly the same as if they were doing it in a Camry instead of on a bicycle.

Springbubba 09-07-2008 11:33 PM

Originally Posted by RK1 (Post 180086)
I almost never say anything like this about anything but this is one area where we need more enthusiatic law enforcement.

People on bicycles who run stop signs, red lights, ride on the sidewalk, through crosswalks or ride on the wrong side of the road should be treated exactly the same as if they were doing it in a Camry instead of on a bicycle.


Cleveland 09-08-2008 04:50 AM

Originally Posted by RK1 (Post 180086)
I almost never say anything like this about anything but this is one area where we need more enthusiatic law enforcement.

People on bicycles who run stop signs, red lights, ride on the sidewalk, through crosswalks or ride on the wrong side of the road should be treated exactly the same as if they were doing it in a Camry instead of on a bicycle.

I agree, also.. hell, I'd love to see someone get a DUI on one.. That'd be one for the books.

Tweety 09-08-2008 06:39 AM

Originally Posted by Cleveland (Post 180098)
I agree, also.. hell, I'd love to see someone get a DUI on one.. That'd be one for the books.

Well then you should move to Sweden... The land of confusing laws...

Why, you ask... Well I actually have a DUI on my record... one... in my whole life... and that was on a bicycle... altough I actually contested it and won... as I was at the time to incapactiated to actually get on the bike... I did manage to scrape up my knee and fall off the road though (sloped plantation in a park)...

And at the same time as the police here can dole out DUI's to people on a bicycle there is also one of world histories most stupid traffic laws in effect... Basicly in any incident concerning a motor vehicle and a pedestrian or operator of an "unpowered vehicle" (*) then the operator of the motor vehicle is at fault, by law... So basicly if I jump of an overpass and land on a car, it's his fault... Go figure...

The effect of this is in my mind absolutely ridiculous... People walk right out in the street not looking, since by law it's the cars fault if they get hit... Now in theory I can't fault their logic, altough it wouldn't do them any good once they are dead and buried... Me on the other hand have some self preservation left and I look before walking... Not because I have to, but because I want to...

Prime example... Yesterday I almost hit a young mom with a baby stroller... I get a green light (which means she has a red...) and she just walks out infront of me with the stroller in front of her... I saw her and knew what was coming... otherwise I'd run straight over the stroller...

(*) I can't realy accurately translate it... mainly anyone on a bicycle or similar that doesn't have an engine, but is considered as means of transportation on a puplic road... ie a skateboard would apply (it's been tested in court)... Though a tricyle or anything else similar might not... Dunno exactly where they draw the limit...

VFR79 09-08-2008 06:56 AM

Originally Posted by Condor (Post 180081)
If youre going to ride your bike on the road, please follow the rules of the road. ....they think they own that shit. what pisses me off the most is that they do not have to pay to register the bike, license it, or license themselves.... yet they act like the roads were built for their fucking 10 speed. Nor do you have to pay taxes on the bike annually....nor insurance. If you want to share the road, share the whole responsibility. And...USE YOUR FUCKING HEAD.

That's how I feel about those blessed 50cc scooters.

nnjhawk02 09-08-2008 05:24 PM

I agree as well.

Check this out

RCVTR 09-08-2008 08:02 PM

Nobody would blame you if you rolled over his ass. Probably one of those guys that rides around on a velodrome bike with no brakes.

VTRsurfer 09-08-2008 08:40 PM

+1 Condor! I've been forced, by what I call a GAGGLE of road bikers in their brightly colored spandex, to cross the double yellow on many occasions, since they take up almost the whole friggin' lane riding 4 or 5 abreast. But what really pisses me off is when I'm on the opposite side of the road on my VTR and an SUV is coming straight at me having been forced to cross the double yellow by some arrogant GAGGLE of spandex f#**@&s.

Little_Horse 09-09-2008 12:58 PM

I gotta tell you I have been on both ends of this problem and my conclusion is it only a minority of both groups. For example I ride my bicycle on the road and I do my best to give cars as much of the road as I can but sometimes depending on the road or the condition of the shoulder I will end up hovering on the white line. Some people find this angering and then try and get as close to killing me as they can without actually hitting me. Mind you a 6000 pound suv only needs to clip me to kill me. I follow the laws on my bike so I don't feel its right for angry car drivers to take it out on me, or any other cyclist just solely for the reason that you could kill them. Chances are all we are doing is slowing you down a little. Relax people. Now the other side, should bicyclists follow the law? Yes. Stop at red lights? yes. Ride two or more abrest on a busy road? No. Now for my point, not every driver buzzes me maybe 1 in 50. And likewise not every bicyclist disobeys the law probably about the same 1 in 50 but it still happens too often, and until some great resolution is made please at least grant riders some space even if you have to slow down. Just my 2 cents...

macd218 09-09-2008 02:11 PM

Originally Posted by Cleveland (Post 180098)
I agree, also.. hell, I'd love to see someone get a DUI on one.. That'd be one for the books.

I know they will in Connecticut. I have a relative that got one.

cliby 09-09-2008 02:29 PM

visiting my son at college and having lived in seattle I agree with condor completely. why they feel they are immune to being injured I don't know. Or riding at night without a bit of reflective material or no light and assuming they'll be seen. And it is a terrible thing to have to live with (both legally and guilt-wise) if you hit someone like that even if its through no fault of your own.
I've also lived in communities where pedestrians do the same - or they interpret the signs that say "peds in crosswalk have right of way" to mean they can jump into the crosswalk at the last minute while you are moving at 30 MPH and you will simply stop on a dime.

Moto Man 09-09-2008 04:52 PM

I had a road bike guy clad in spandex yell "HEY! Watch out!" to me while he was in the opposite lane, going the other direction, hugging the center stripe in a corner. I was in the outside wheel track, to avoid some gravel, and also near to the center but well within my lane.

RCVTR 09-09-2008 06:13 PM

Originally Posted by cornandp (Post 180422)
I gotta tell you I have been on both ends of this problem and my conclusion is it only a minority of both groups. For example I ride my bicycle on the road and I do my best to give cars as much of the road as I can but sometimes depending on the road or the condition of the shoulder I will end up hovering on the white line. Some people find this angering and then try and get as close to killing me as they can without actually hitting me. Mind you a 6000 pound suv only needs to clip me to kill me. I follow the laws on my bike so I don't feel its right for angry car drivers to take it out on me, or any other cyclist just solely for the reason that you could kill them. Chances are all we are doing is slowing you down a little. Relax people. Now the other side, should bicyclists follow the law? Yes. Stop at red lights? yes. Ride two or more abrest on a busy road? No. Now for my point, not every driver buzzes me maybe 1 in 50. And likewise not every bicyclist disobeys the law probably about the same 1 in 50 but it still happens too often, and until some great resolution is made please at least grant riders some space even if you have to slow down. Just my 2 cents...

Well said. I've been riding the roads as a "cyclist" for 25 years. Most people have mutual respect for both cyclists and drivers. But I also feel lucky to have not been clipped at some point along the way. Enough so, that I ride Mt, bikes mostly these days, and ride the mountain passes in the early leason before all the tourists are out.

But the people who race around town, then get pissed when people almost hit them are asking for it and making people resent road riders. Much like the road racers on motorcycles that give motorcyclists a bad name.

In my opinion, it is much safer to be on a motorcycle than a bicycle on the road. Bicycles are travelling much slower than cars and can't see cars coming up behind them. Drivers need to recognize how exposed bicyclists are. And cyclists need to show appreciation and respect for drivers, and make sure they have room to get around you.

newb007 09-09-2008 07:01 PM

Originally Posted by RCVTR (Post 180466)
In my opinion, it is much safer to be on a motorcycle than a bicycle on the road. Bicycles are travelling much slower than cars and can't see cars coming up behind them. Drivers need to recognize how exposed bicyclists are. And cyclists need to show appreciation and respect for drivers, and make sure they have room to get around you.

+1 It just so happened last week near where I live, a guy that worked in a local parts store I frequented was on his way to lunch on his bicycle and got hit by a logging truck. The driver of the logging truck didn't see him and when he did stop only managed to crush the guy. They had to take the truck driver to the hospital for mental stress. A friend of mine knew the guy on the bicycle and was torn up about it. I'm not sure if he had the right of way or anything except that he was killed and it is a shame for everyone involved.

I'm glad you managed not to hit the guy both for him and yourself. Anger is natural when you realize what could have happened and the other party is less respecting of the situation. We are all just trying to make it home so keep your cool and watch out for the ones who aren't.

L8RGYZ 09-09-2008 07:54 PM

Like a couple of people here, I've been on both sides of this issue, too. I rode a bicycle as primary transportation for several years.

As a bicyclist I tried my best to follow the traffic laws, but at the same time I had to "claim my space" on the road. Otherwise you just get abused by some drivers.

In Condor's situation it sounds like the bicyclist stupidly violated the signal and then felt indignant about almost getting wiped out. No excuse for that.

Still, no need to build up a list of gripes & then ascribe them to all bicyclists because you're miffed at one or two dumbasses. We should know better, seeing as how motorcyclist often get painted with a broad brush.

Also, we don't need more laws, licensing, restrictions ad infinitum. The situation generally works pretty well as is. That's my 2.

VTRsurfer 09-09-2008 08:06 PM

Here in SoCal these "GAGGLES" of road bikers will ride up to 4 or 5 abreast, blocking more than half of the only lane going in that direction, and they are obviously peddling at less than the speed limit. And yes, there is a bike lane.

I ride a mountain bike, sometimes on the street, but like on my VTR I ride to live.....STAY OUT OF THE F%#@&*%$ CARS' WAY.

RCVTR 09-10-2008 05:00 AM

Originally Posted by VTRsurfer (Post 180476)
Here in SoCal these "GAGGLES" of road bikers will ride up to 4 or 5 abreast, blocking more than half of the only lane going in that direction, and they are obviously peddling at less than the speed limit. And yes, there is a bike lane.

That's just plain rudeness.

Sounds like some laying on of the horn is needed. Be ready with the brakes though. I've seen people freeze and fall off the bike when a horn blows (only once. Laughed my ass off).

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