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mikstr 11-06-2009 12:22 PM

Hyperplates are in
I just picked up the bike from my dealer where I had the valves adjusted (I finally came to my senses and decided to put off the rebuild with OS JE pistons until Fall of 2011, just can't swing it budget0-wise right now, besides the bike is running sooooooooooo nicely, remarkable considering it has well over 120,000 km). While it was in the shop, I had the mechanic install my "Truck" manual CCTs (peace of mind) and replace the original clutch (which is still in awesome shape btw, I am not an abuser) with new OEM fibre plates and the aluminum Hyperplates I picked early in the summer. I also had Barnett spring installed, along with a Factory Pro detent arm.

I just rode it home today (about 25 km) so it's a bit early to tell but everything feels good so far, no slipping that I can tell. The shifting does seem a bit stiffer but that is to be expected with new plates. I'll have to wait how everything works once it loosens up a little but expect everythign to be ok.

ON another note, I recently dropped off my cast mag PVM wheels at a metallurgist to have them inspected (X-rayed and anything else he deems necessary) as I am told cast mag does not have an unlimited shelf life and I certanly don't want them to shatter while riding on our lovely Quebec roads. I hope it all checks out so I can slip them back on (handling is noticeably lighter and sharper with them on). If all is ok, I may pick up some hybrid ceramic bearings to throw in too.

I hope to get one more ride in (supposed to be nice Monday, if so, I'll cash in some of my accumulated overtime) before storing it for the winter. Once she's mothballed, I will remove the Akra exhaust and get it ceramic coated (to better protect it, reduce the radiant heating effect on the engine, and improve scavenging).


Just_Nick 11-06-2009 01:14 PM

The stiffer shifting is because of the springs, not the plates. Just swapping in the stiffer Barnett springs will help with clutch slip.

mikstr 11-06-2009 01:27 PM

Not sure how the springs are making shifting stiffer, once the clutch is pulled in, the springs are no longer in play (effect has been negated by pulling in the lever). New (and thicker) plates, however, would cause a slight bit of drag which would make the shifting stiffer. As for the springs, the Barnetts are in (not that I had any slippage problems before, but with the Hyperplates going in and more mods on the way courtesy of hi-comp pistons, I wanted to make sure slippage would never become a problem)

Just_Nick 11-06-2009 04:09 PM

Oh, I meant the clutch lever.

aka Yamadog 11-08-2009 06:11 AM

You're sick man!:gatlin:

mikstr 11-08-2009 06:46 AM

Just partially so. I will be officially, and completely so once I finally get those OS slugs in. Wish I had the cash to get it done now!!!!!!!

mikstr 11-10-2009 05:49 AM

Got a couple of short rides in over the weekend and yesterday (totalling about 300 miles) and everything is loosening up nicely in the tranny, the clutch plates have worn in I guess. Shifting is lighter now and feels crisper than before. Just another reason to love my VTR :)

I have to add as well that it sure is nice to be able to be able to compression brake without having to worry that the CCT will let go and cause engine damage (as this is said to be when it mostly occurs).

FL02SupaHawk996 11-10-2009 07:46 AM

Nice bike Mikstr, can't wait till I get my OS slugs in long as it's taken so far you may get yours done before mine:)

mikstr 11-10-2009 07:52 AM

If I stumbled across a couple of grand it would be done in a heartbeat. I can just imagine what an extra 8-10 hp and 6-8 lb-ft (expected gains from upped compresion, refreshed internals/better sealing, and slight bump in displacement) would do for it but, alas, it`ll have to wait.... Mind you, it`s not as though it runs like crap in the meantime as teh whole time I spend riding it, I cannot help but think how close to perfect it is (for a sporty street mount). I have ridden numerous bikes over the years but nothing makes me smile like my VTR.

FL02SupaHawk996 11-10-2009 07:54 AM

yep, I agree it's all about the smile!

mikstr 11-10-2009 08:06 AM

indeed it is, and every mod/add-on made this year has been wicked. From Jamie`s shifter (with needle bearing), to the velocity stacks and Akra exhaust and swingarm brace (etc...), everything has worked out better than I could have hoped for.

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