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Bluesuperhawk83 08-05-2010 07:04 AM

It's amazing how far some people will go to justify not wearing a helmet

Check out some of these posts. I cant believe someone would reason that its a bad idea to wear a helmet because they can cause a neck injury in a crash. your neck is worthless if your head is trashed.

uchi 08-05-2010 07:18 AM

Oh man some retards on that site. They're probably the same guys who check the barrel before the chamber of their guns lol. I love this part.

I do not. It's too hot, and it will only protect you from less than a 25 MPH direct impact.

Yeah so racers shouldn't wear them because they aren't safe. Lol. Hope I copied and pasted right I'm on myphone :-)

wyldryce 08-05-2010 07:39 AM

Yeah, I'm always amazed how far people will go just to keep the concepts of "individual freedom" alive. I think it should be mandatory, but then again, I have had a helmet save my life, so perhaps I'm just unreasonably biased ;)
I suppose there will always be those who try and pull a Ben Roethlisberger, and get it wrong and kill themselves. I guess that's just Darwin thinning the herd. :D


Bluesuperhawk83 08-05-2010 07:47 AM

I dont believe it should be mandatory for everyone to wear a helmet or a seatbelt unless a person doesnt have their own health insurance. I shouldnt have to pay for your stupidity. I wear one every time i get on a bike, Its my choice and for me its just common sense. Natural selection is a good thing. Someone that will ride a motorcycle at highway speeds without basic protective equiptment probably has no business passing on their genes.

pwshadow 08-05-2010 08:13 AM

Yeah its Natural selection in full force. A university should study it as a biology project.

1971allchaos 08-05-2010 08:53 AM

I will wear the helmet- It is far better than catching that 4 lb. beatle, at 70mph with my face.

lazn 08-05-2010 08:55 AM

It's not my brain, and if they don't value theirs why should I?

I however will wear a helmet.

pwshadow 08-05-2010 08:59 AM

Originally Posted by 1971allchaos (Post 276846)
I will wear the helmet- It is far better than catching that 4 lb. beatle, at 70mph with my face.

No kidding. Ive caught at least 4 bumble bees in the visor this month. I would imagine they dont feel to good.

Oh and if avoiding death by pavement isnt enough reason to where one, I talked to a guy that just got back from sturgis last year. He was riding with a friend that caught a 2inch hail stone in the head at 75 mph. Dead before he hit the ground.

uchi 08-05-2010 09:18 AM

I had my mx helmet save me when I crashed last year. My buddy crashed his bike at the track was knocked out but alright. I've seen guys who crashed on atvs and bikes and they often turn into vegetables. If you don't want to wear one don't but don't convince people they should not.

VTRsurfer 08-05-2010 09:39 AM

I've ridden through at least half a dozen bee swarms this year.

Riding friends' bikes from the mid '60s through the '70s, I never wore a helmet (except if it was a dirt bike). Those bikes ranged from a Honda S90 to a 900cc Kawi Z1. But I bought a full face helmet in 1981, before going to pick up my first motorcycle.

We've had a helmet law here in California since 1992. By then I had over 100,000 miles wearing a helmet, and had my face saved in a freeway ramp crash. I don't believe in helmet laws, except for kids, but I'd feel naked and vulnerable without one.

8541Hawk 08-05-2010 11:23 AM

2 Attachment(s)
Well I am all for freedom of choice and you can do whatever you want but for me, I always wear a hat and this is the reason why:

Attachment 9833

Attachment 9834

I walked away with no head injuries and the scars on the helmet are much worse when you see them in person.... :eek:

Tweety 08-05-2010 12:31 PM

Why make a law that says you need to wear a helmet? Just stipulate that any injuries while not wearing one isn't covered by any insurance whatsoever... And any collateral damages you cause to others while not wearing one is your sole responsability... Ie they first pay off the other damages, if there is anything left they treat you...

The people can stick a wad of big bills in their pocket and go riding without a helmet... If they like... I doubt you get many takers on that sucker bet...

wyldryce 08-05-2010 12:45 PM

Yeah, I understand allowing people to do something stupid and doing and not making it mandatory. However, my pet peeve is when anti-bike people (and there are MANY out there, my Mother-in-Law amongst them) love to point out horrid stories of people who die on a motorcycle in totally avoidable ways, when the stories show up in the local paper. Our actions on our bikes reflect on riding as a whole, whether we're aware of it or not, and negative publicity colors people's perception.

Also... say you are helmetless, catch a bumble-bee in the face at 80mph, and lose control into oncoming traffic, killing my family in our car. Had you been wearing a helmet, you'd have a nasty splat on your visor and not have killed yourself and my family. It's easy to think that insufficiently equipped riders will only be hurting themselves when they hit the pavement, but it doesn't always work out that way.

And I agree, it's purely irresponsible to ADVOCATE for people not wearing helmets, especially when you pervert science to do so.

01SuperChicken 08-05-2010 01:04 PM

I would vote freedom of choice.
I've rode in Ky where I didn't need a helmet. If I rode to the corner store or test riding in front of my house after a tune-up or troubleshooting, I feel I don't need a helmet.
On the freeway...or over 40/50mph, I feel I do.

I say give them a choice. It's a case of Natural Selection at work. Evolutionary progress. ;)

On the other hand, I've heard that it's easier on medics if your head can be found, by locating your helmet. :eek:

01SuperChicken 08-05-2010 01:06 PM

Hey wyldryce....just tell Mom that more people, per capita, die in car wrecks...and probably most in much more dumb ways. :cool:

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